First, determine the total square footage you would like to cover, by taking the approximate length x width of your beds and adding the totals of all areas together. The easiest method is to divide that total square footage by 100, which will give you the total number of yards required to install mulch at 3" deep. For more detailed calculations, and additional options, please try out the mulch calculator on this page.
1 yard = 27 cubic feet (3' x 3' x 3')
1 yard = 10' x 10' area (or 100 sq. ft.) at 3" depth
1 yard = approximately 12-14 bags of mulch
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Dyed Mulch: Tips for Preserving Color
​The colorants we use on our dyed mulches provide superior color strength, longevity to UV exposure, and color consistency through the use of our colorant dosing system. Even so, there are guidelines to follow in order to preserve the color and ensure your product holds that color throughout the season!
You may want to lay down a tarp to prevent temporary discoloration to the ground or driveway surface. If a tarp is not available, you can wet down the driveway before dumping the mulch and washing the surface off with soap and water after applying the mulch if there is any visible residue.
Avoid scheduling your delivery and/or application on a day when heavy rain is forecasted. If you do take delivery and rain is in the forecast make sure to cover the pile with a tarp.
Do not spread the mulch if rain is in the forecast. Many people try to "beat the rain" in order to finish a job, but this is not recommended as dyed material needs to "cure" once spread. You should try to find a window of no less than 36-48 hours of rain-free weather to allow for this drying to occur.
Renewing Color if Washout Occur
In the event product "washing" does occur, you may still be able to remedy the color loss.
If the material is in a bulk pile and has not yet been spread, the washed product can simply be mixed in with the rest of the mulch as it should be just a surface wash. There will be enough colored mulch in the pile to blend in with the surface material.
If the material has already been spread, you have two options - however, please keep in mind the same critical drying time is needed:
Lightly rake the surface. Colorant loss is normally limited to the top half inch of material. Mulch is normally applied at a two to three inch depth leaving plenty of material to cover the surface once it's flipped over.
Top coat the surface with an additional half inch of fresh colored product.